Case Study 2

case study type 2

Type 2 - Seeking Validation

Problem: Type 2 had an underlying desparate desire to feel acknowledged and appreciated. In session with me, she was able to acknowledge her insecurities and embrace her need to feel belonging. insecurities and allow them to be aired and seen.  in order to feel a sense of worth and confidence. a fluctuation in moods, showed high value but incongruence in her ability to share Conditionally giving and low self worth, showing high value, incongruent

Solution: Type 2 was able to acknowledge her need for being seen for her care and embrace her insecurities of “not being seen or lovable enough”. In session with me, this client shifted from transformed her outlook ...


The Full Story

This client will be referred to as type 2 in order to protect her privacy.

This woman came to me because she wanted to feel the love of a partner. By helping her to identify what was lying beneath the surface of her desires, she was to acknowldfge the stumbling blocks in the way of achieving the validation for the love she so desperately ached for and address some of her insecurities in order to feel a sense of worth and confidence.

Despite her exquisite style of affectionate communication, type 2 suffered from feelings of low self worth. This was affecting her fluctuating moods and often she felt an overwhelming need for love and affection from wherever she could draw it in for herself. As a personal assistent she felt appreciated and valued but their was a restlessness in her. She desired a husband and children but at the same time wanted to advance in her career.

Her generous care and support was conditional to how much appreciation was derived from her warm gestures. Each time she did not feel matched by the warm glow of appreciation for her services rendered, heavy feelings flushed through her emotional system and waterlogged her. The calculation and measurement of her efforts against the value and appreciation derive from them brought about an incongruence that could not be ignored and a mood of dense sulkiness would follow.

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