Type Seven - The Enthusiast

Enthusiast, Epicure, Entertainer, Optimist, Adventurer

Extroverted, optimistic, spontaneous and versatile. Sevens are playful, high-spirited, and practical. They can over-extend their talents and become scattered and undisciplined. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but, due to being on-the-go, become distracted and exhausted over time. They typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness.

At their Best: they focus their talents on worthwhile goals, becoming appreciative, joyous, and satisfied.

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The essence of the Seven is Attractiveness / Absorption which born into a body runs a basic fear of being deprived or trapped in pain. The essence of attractiveness/absorption has been constricted in perception and so the desire to be happy gives rise to frenetic escapism.  

It thus runs on the passion of gluttony, and the insatiable desire to fill oneself up with positive and stimulating experiences in order to overcome the feeling of inner emptiness. The mind thus attempts to create positive ideas and seek out activities. The chief feature thus becomes one of planning. The holy idea is founded upon holy work with the holy path of sobriety.

The Externalized Fear Point

Essence: Absorption

Holy Idea: Holy Work

Holy Path: Sobriety

Chief feature: Planning

Passion: Gluttony

Idealisation: I am okay

Talking Style: Stories

Trap: Idealist

Defence Mechanism: Rationalization

Avoidance: Pain

Dichotomy: Inferior/Superior

Subtypes: Self preservation – Extended family

Social – Martyr

Sexual - Suggestibility

The Spontaneous Suitor – Passion Pleasure and the Pursuit of Love

An excitement seeker wanting stimulation, anything to give them a blood rush. “I need something to fulfill me now.”

Sevens dislike their freedom, so long-term is difficult. They avoid the problems in the relationship, only wanting the fun.

Sevens Advance Their Cause: by moving into the world with the belief that their presence enlivens the group and is the main attraction; directing the energy outward; living in the future of possibility; planning sexual engagements in an attempt to fill the gluttony of desire. Their external focus results in them losing inner connection.

Wing Six and Eight and stretch/release points One and Five can all relate.

Love Type: Erotic – seeing themselves as more important in a relationship – child-like eroticism arises when sex is mostly about having their needs met.

Relationship Belief: "I'm more exciting and open minded in bed than others."

Sexual frustration: "Partners become too predictable and boring and can't keep up with me."

By Ann Gadd

An assertive type who is ego-oriented and ego-expansive, responding to stress by reinforcing and inflating their ego and expanding it in the face of difficulty rather than withdrawing, backing down or seeking protection.

They have an intrinsic sense of self in relationship but have issues with processing feelings. By recognising and understanding the truth of this "sense of self" they can be extremely valuable for seeing through some of the major features of ego. 

Upon walking into a room the auto response is: "I am the centre. I am important. And now that I'm here something way more lively and exciting is going to happen."

Dichotomy is inferior/superior

In childhood, the soul was forced to shut down and believe that to depend on anyone for anything was not okay. To compensate for this the idealization then became "I am okay."

A positive outlook type bringing an emphasis on uplifting and exciting experiences, focusing on fun activities. 

They avoid emptiness, pain, as well as participation in any suffering for themselves or for others. 

They have a tendency to overemphasize their own needs, and will easily feel burdened by the needs of others. 

"I am okay."

These are the positive outlook types who have difficulty in adopting a positive attitude, re-framing disappointments in an optimistic light with emphasis towards the bright and uplifting. They build morale and enjoy helping others feel good so they too can feel good.

It is difficult for them to face the dark side of themselves or anything painful. They have trouble balancing their own needs with that of others, focusing more upon themselves. 

Lesson 93 of 'A Course in Miracles':

Light and joy and peace abide in me.

You think you are the home of evil, darkness and sin. You think if anyone could see the truth about you he would be repelled, recoiling from you as if from a poisonous snake. You think if what is true about you were revealed to you, you would be struck with horror so intense that you would rush to death by your own hand, living on after seeing this being impossible.

These are beliefs so firmly fixed that it is difficult to help you see that they are based on nothing. That you have made mistakes is obvious. That you have sought salvation in strange ways; have been deceived, deceiving and afraid of foolish fantasies and savage dreams; and have bowed down to idols made of dust,--all this is true by what you now believe.

Today we question this, not from the point of view of what you think, but from a very different reference point, from which such idle thoughts are meaningless. These thoughts are not according to God's Will. These weird beliefs He does not share with you. This is enough to prove that they are wrong, but you do not perceive that this is so.

Why would you not be overjoyed to be assured that all the evil that you think you did was never done, that all your sins are nothing, that you are as pure and holy as you were created, and that light and joy and peace abide in you? Your image of yourself cannot withstand the Will of God. You think that this is death, but it is life. You think you are destroyed, but you are saved.

The self you made is not the Son of God. Therefore, this self does not exist at all. And anything it seems to do and think means nothing. It is neither bad nor good. It is unreal, and nothing more than that. It does not battle with the Son of God. It does not hurt him, nor attack his peace. It has not changed creation, nor reduced eternal sinlessness to sin, and love to hate. What power can this self you made possess, when it would contradict the Will of God?

Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God. Over and over this must be repeated, until it is accepted. It is true. Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God. Nothing can touch it, or change what God created as eternal. The self you made, evil and full of sin, is meaningless. Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God, and light and joy and peace abide in you.

Salvation requires the acceptance of but one thought;--you are as God created you, not what you made of yourself. Whatever evil you may think you did, you are as God created you. Whatever mistakes you made, the truth about you is unchanged. Creation is eternal and unalterable. Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God. You are and will forever be exactly as you were created. Light and joy and peace abide in you because God put them there.

In our longer exercise periods today, which would be most profitable if done for the first five minutes of every waking hour, begin by stating the truth about your creation:

Light and joy and peace abide in me.
My sinlessness is guaranteed by God.

Then put away your foolish self-images, and spend the rest of the practice period in trying to experience what God has given you, in place of what you have decreed for yourself.

You are what God created or what you made. One Self is true; the other is not there. Try to experience the unity of your one Self. Try to appreciate Its Holiness and the love from which It was created. Try not to interfere with the Self which God created as you, by hiding Its majesty behind the tiny idols of evil and sinfulness you have made to replace It. Let It come into Its Own. Here you are; This is You. And light and joy and peace abide in you because this is so.

You may not be willing or even able to use the first five minutes of each hour for these exercises. Try, however, to do so when you can. At least remember to repeat these thoughts each hour:

Light and joy and peace abide in me.
My sinlessness is guaranteed by God.

Then try to devote at least a minute or so to closing your eyes and realizing that this is a statement of the truth about you.

If a situation arises that seems to be disturbing, quickly dispel the illusion of fear by repeating these thoughts again. Should you be tempted to become angry with someone, tell him silently:

Light and joy and peace abide in you.
Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God.

You can do much for the world's salvation today. You can do much today to bring you closer to the part in salvation that God has assigned to you. And you can do much today to bring the conviction to your mind that the idea for the day is true indeed.

7 - a deeper look into The Mystical Pan

The Seven fixation is the "Mystical Pan" of the Enneagram with rose-colored glasses flittering like a butterfly.

Sevens are the masters/mistresses of finesse. They tweak any mood for lightness and ease and keep their options open for the unlimited possibilities that the venture out and about for moving from place to space according to the lightness of their being.

Type Seven projects enthusiasm present in one moment and gone in the next. They simply cannot afford to miss out on anything that life may be offering, planning the next intoxicating adventure and sensing where the next highest point or fantasy can take them. They are the masters and mistresses of keeping their options open for the unlimited possibilities. They fear feeling trapped and loath commitment. Depth is exciting, so long as it doesn't involve feeling personal pain. Their essence is Serene Bliss.

The Seven is the swift and shifting exciting adventure seeker. They manoeuvre from place to space seeking out their ideal fantasy wanting reality to be more than what it is as they avoid pain and sadness. Not knowing itself to be the expression of serene bliss that it is, it feels like it is missing out and therefore projects enthusiasm to harness this fear of not being what it is...which is serene delight and Divine light and bliss.

They move from place to place according to their plan to protect themselves from being caught in the mundane droll of material life. They invent clever strategies of how to maintain a fantasy life of treats and pleasures that align with their highly attractive essence: Absorption. They are acutely aware of their attractive appeal, which keeps them moving for fear of losing their lustre and vibrancy in the eyes of the rest of the material entities that do not quite have their level of finesse and colour. They deeply crave intimacy, but fear its highly acute style and tenacity be ruined by the less vibrant personalities they meet. So they keep on flittering away like a butterfly, fire-fly or bee after the nectar and off to another flower for another taste here and there.

To capture any of these creatures will take their song away. The pollen falls from the bee and thought dims. Avoiding this at all costs is the only way to restore that “special quality” they bring to the environment. So to interact with these creatures, one must drop one's material attachments and meet them in their fantasy world. They are like the ineffable pan or Peter Pan and appearing and disappearing similar to the early morning dew or the layer of misty fog upon a lake which dissolves the moment the full light of day heat into a faint memory. Movement drives this machine with dates and planning a little like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.

Their flittering nature compels the others to try catch them, and so they create the dynamic of being alluring and desirable. This is the game that runs the form of their whole life, being communal, provocative, poly-amorous, sharing love but never delving deep into the intimacy they in fact deeply crave. They find it hard to realise that the allure they create is deeply within, and can magnify by merely resting in it rather than fear it goes out and weakens.

Gluttony keeps the trance in motion as they usher in the vibes of poly amorous relating. Osho’s followers flocked in the mood of the type 7. Many enneagram specialists believe Osho to be a sexual Six. So while he meditated, the entire community was held in his sexual power and vibrancy. The result being a Seven expression of the divine interplay and a nectar of devotion and union. While the diametrically apposing local small town community condemned them to be a cult of Satan. Ironically the Illuminati rituals performed by the adrenochrome elite junkies  are the darkest expression of type Seven culture. The film "Eyes Wide Shut" is a dark type Seven made to indicate how all the power structures on the planet are held within the powerful clutches of intoxicating gluttony.

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