Type Five - The Harbinger - Investigator

Perceptive, Innovotive, Secretive, Cerebral, Hermit

Fives are alert, insightful, curious and detached types. They are born to be able to concentrate on developing complex ideas and inventions. Fives are the independent, innovative types who are preoccupied by developing their own skills and ideas with intense focus. These are the eccentric types, highly strung, detached and socially sensitive. They can be isolated, nihilistic types.

At their best: visionary pioneers who are able to see the world in an entirely new way.

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Click into The investigator

The essence of the Five is Peace which born into a body runs a basic fear of being useless, incapable, or incompetent.

The essence of peace has been constricted and so the desire to be competent when depleted turns to useless specialization. 

It thus runs on the passion of avarice. Feeling the lack of inner resources and that too much interaction with others leads to catastrophic depletion. This leads to withholding contact from the world and thus they withhold resources and minimize their needs. The chief feature therefore becomes withdrawal. From this suffering, one's Self is found through the holy idea of Omniscience through the holy path of non-attachment.

Essence: Peace

Holy Idea: Omniscience

Holy Path: Non-Attachment

Chief feature: Withdrawal

Passion: Avarice

Idealisation: I know

Talking Style: Treatise

Trap: Observer

Defence Mechanism: Isolation

Avoidance: Emptiness

Dichotomy: Social/Antisocial

The Lonely Lover – Distance Binds Us Closer, Right?

Observing sex fascinates, being emotionally detached, fearing involvement will be draining. Yet this can bring fervency to the bedroom.

Five's Retreat: by shifting to thought and with intense head focus. Superficial chit-chat is a no no. Withdrawing from others to connect with their feelings.

Wing Six and Seven and stretch/release points Seven and Eight can all relate.

Love Type: Paternal - keeping distance with a cool cerebral approach to love, not wanting to feel too reliant upon another while desiring connection and also fearing it.

Relationship Belief: Emotional and physical detachment is how I feel safe and superior as I am not a slave to my emotions.

Sexual frustration: Every time I sleep with someone, they make demands upon me and my time. Can we not have sex and just go back to work?

By Ann Gadd

Dichotomy is social/antisocial

In childhood, the soul was forced to shut down and believe that to be comfortable in the world was not okay. To compensate this the idealization then became "I know".

The competency type that emphasizes being information experts with a focus on processing objective facts while maintaining clarity and detachment. 

They manage feelings through cerebral occupations as though their feelings are happening to someone else.  

Lesson 221 of "A Course in Miracles" Jesus

Peace to my mind. Let all my thoughts be still.

Father, I come to You today to seek the peace that You alone can give. I come in silence. In the quiet of my heart, the deep recesses of my mind, I wait and listen for Your Voice. My Father, speak to me today. I come to hear Your Voice in silence and in certainty and love, sure You will hear my call and answer me.

Now do we wait in quiet. God is here, because we wait together. I am sure that He will speak to you, and you will hear. Accept my confidence, for it is yours. Our minds are joined. We wait with one intent; to hear our Father's answer to our call, to let our thoughts be still and find His peace, to hear Him speak to us of what we are, and to reveal Himself unto His Son.

Five - A Deeper Investigation into the Observer

Type Five is the internalized version of the Six. The essence of the Five is peace. Peace can easily be disturbed. It only takes a grain of sand in the eye to destroy peace. The ego wiring of the Five, not knowing its own essence, is covered over through the exclusion of the outside world. Fives are highly sensitive types who compartmentalize each aspect of life as an attempt to manage fear, thus reducing it to manageable proportions.

Named the “The Investigator”, “The Detective”, “The Observer”, Fives seek to discover and uncover why things are the way they are. Compelled to understand how the world works, from the macrocosmic to the microscopic, Fives seek to uncover and discover the inner workings and mechanisms behind that which provokes their interest. They refuse to accept an opinion or doctrine on face value, but rather test the truth out for themselves.

Behind the Fives’ relentless pursuit of knowledge is a deep insecurity about how to function in the world. Inside they feel they lack the ability to engage directly within social and cultural norms. These fiercely independent and non-conforming rebels have stepped back into seclusion with a cool detachment.

They are intellectuals for reprieve so that they are able to assess for themselves as to how to participate in the world effectively as an attempt to feel safe from life's abrasions. The Five believes that safety is found within the mind where they can figure out how to do things and then eventually rejoin the world.

Fives are fiercely independent minimalists like zen Buddhists, where surviving on minimal is the thriving. In a cool, detached manner, they consider surviving to be thriving.

Their passion is avarice. Upon first appearance they come across as being tight and guarded about money, but inside it is a greed for privacy and where they can safely self isolate to recollect themselves. The way the lock downs have impacted the Five has pushed them to excel, as this is their place and all have had to step into this field along with them.

Fives seek to understand a theoretical explanation of life with predictive foreseeable outcomes to feel in control. Safety comes from a distance, so that one may observe life rather than engage with it. Fives observe, contemplate, listen, take notes, immerse and internalize knowledge to gain confidence before they step into the world to tell others of their findings and extend their skills and creative combinations. Theirs is a life of observation and hypothesis, checking to see if others understand their work which then provides confirmation of their competency. This fulfills their Basic Desire to be seen that they know what they're talking about, bringing something insightful to the table. Disinterested in exploring the familiar and well established, they are drawn to the unusual and the bizarre.

The Five is master investigator of the unknown - the occult, the overlooked secret of the unthinkable. They create something no one has ever experienced, a niche no one else occupies. Developing this niche is the best way to attain independence and confidence.

Thomas Edison, a Five fixation, enjoyed the experience of creating the light globe which went on to power the entire nation and beyond. Whereas Tesla is likely a 1 due to his not being recognized in his time for even more revolutionary inventions. An ecologically sustainable future was thwarted at the hands of the exploitative tendencies of both Edison and Westinghouse (a lusty Eight who capitalized on the entire operation). Due to the political climate at this time, it was Thomas Edison who not only went on to create the first motion picture, but also came to invent the electric chair.

Fives basic requirement is to master one area of expertise to meet life's challenges and allow them to feel capable and connected with the world. Distractions are imminent so they are therefore highly capable of developing an intense focus on their genius whether it be the world of music, mathematics, mechanics or science fiction, or merely a world created within their own imagination.

While not all Fives are scholars or Ph.Ds, they are focused upon a mastership of some kind, while bearing little dependence upon social validation. History is built upon the genius mind of the Five which overturns generally accepted ways of understanding or operating fearing their ideas to be too conventional. Darwin, Einstein, Nietzsche are Fives.

The intense focus of Fives can lead to remarkable discoveries and innovations. Or they become eccentric and lost in their own complex thought processes, preferring social isolation.

Their focus of attention serves to distract them from their most pressing practical problems. Rather than address the source of their anxiety, they choose the competency of their craft. Whether this is in an intimate relationship, the ability to gain employment or the feeling of lacking physical strength to pull off a given task, Fives will go to what will make them feel competent. The irony is that it is their focusing upon their mastery that perpetuates their basic insecurity of how to function in the world.

Physical activities and endurance will make a Five feel extremely daunted. As children they hide themselves away from sports and strenuous activity where possible, and opt for an active mental life, excelling in academia. They seek to retain all that they have learned, engrossed in this process, rather than interacting with others or increasing their practical and social skills. Devoted to their collections they avoid anything relating to their real needs. Thomas Edison neglected his wife and family in the pursuit of his genius, while his wife, an obvious empath, ironically developed a brain congestion and died of typhoid.

The challenge for Fives is to recognize their tendency to neglect caring for themselves or their relationships whilst they are pursuing whatever sparks their imaginations.


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